MST-Guest Wireless Access

Information Technology at Missouri S&T supports the campus wireless network. For the convenience of our guests, there is an option to allow non-registered devices to connect to the S&T network.

Click the link below for directions on how to connect your wireless devices to the Missouri S&T network.

S&T Guest Wireless Access

Eduroam Wi-Fi Access

If your school is part of the eduroam network, you will be able to login to the S&T network with your school credentials.

  1. Connect to the eduroam wireless access point.
  2. Type in the email address and password you would use at your home institution. For instance, if you are John Doe from University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, then you would simply type in “” with your University of Arkansas password.

You must include the @<domain> part of your email address. This allows the eduroam network to authenticate you with your home campus.

IT has more comprehensive directions on their website: